this sculpture shows tender marital intimacy

   You can find pages and pages on the internet about sex, but it’s so difficult to find sites that ask a lot of the really interesting, and really difficult, questions about it — especially about marital intimacy.

     Even the physical intimacy side of sex is so much more mysterious than most people think it is — because, frankly, when it comes to sex, most people don’t do much . . . thinking.

     You might say that this website offers “sex advice” for married men who are really committed to their wives.  But it’s really about how to understand sex, which is a key factor in doing it well.

What are some of the questions we’ll ask?

  • What is the meaning of “marital intimacy” and “sexual union” and how do we achieve it best?
  • How much of sexual pleasure is in the body, and how much is in the mind?
  • When we are in the moment of sexual climax, are we together with anyone, or are we alone?
  • How can we describe sexual climax or orgasm?
  • How much pleasure should we aim for in the marital act?
  • In what way should we prepare each other for marital intercourse?
  • What is the time framework for the sexual act?
  • Why is vaginal intercourse more satisfying than other sexual acts, especially to women in committed relationships? 
  • What is the most pleasurable sexual act?
  • Do men or women enjoy the sexual act more?
  • When should we make love?
  • Why should we make love?
  • What is “glossing” and why is it so wonderful?
  • Does “coming together” matter?  And, if so, how do we do it?
  • What does doing sex really well mean?
  • Where is God in the marital act?

This website is mostly the reflections of W. Larsen. But he welcomes offers to do “guest blogs,” in order to obtain a wider variety of thoughts about marital lovemaking.

Just email:


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